Virginia Tech Scholarships

For maximum financial aid and scholarship consideration, submit your General Scholarship Application and your FAFSA by January 22nd every year.

Students are automatically considered for scholarships like PSI, Beyond Boundaries, and VT Scholars when they apply to Virginia Tech. Eligibility depends on academic merit, financial need as determind by the FAFSA, and other factors from the General Scholarship and Admission Application.
To Be Considered:
- Incoming students must apply for admission to Virginia Tech.
- All students must submit the FAFSA and complete the General Scholarship Application in Scholarship Central by January 22.
- Incoming students, do not wait -- complete the General Scholarship Application through your Admissions portal.
- Students must complete a FAFSA using our school code 003754 to be considered for scholarships from our office. Students who decide not to complete a FAFSA will still be considered for college and departmental scholarships.
- Students do not need to take any other action to be considered for these scholarships. If you receive one, you will be notified with your offer of admission.
- Some scholarships are renewable for continuing students if the eligibility requirements continue to be met.

In Scholarship Central, students can find additional scholarship applications. Each scholarship opportunity can have need or non-need based requirements such as GPA, major, campus involvement, or home county.
To Be Considered:
- Incoming students must apply for admission to Virginia Tech.
- All students should submit the FAFSA and must complete the General Scholarship Application in Scholarship Central by January 22.
- Some colleges have a seperate scholarship application. If yours does, you will be asked to complete it after completing your General Scholarship Application.
- Incoming students, do not wait -- apply for these additional scholarships through your Admissions portal.
- These scholarships can have different deadlines. Be sure to note each and apply before the application closes.
- If selected for one of these scholarships, a notification will be sent to your Virginia Tech email.
- Some scholarships are one-time awards and should be applied for each year. Certain scholarships are renewable if eligibility requirements continue to be met.
Colleges and departments have many scholarship opportunties for incoming and continuing students. Explore their websites to learn more. Be sure to take note of any advertised deadlines.
College Specific Links
Specific Scholarship Links
Learn more about searching for external scholarship opportunities.
Scholarship Next Steps:
After being awarded your scholarship, there may be a few steps you must complete before your scholarship will apply towards your bill. Failure to complete these steps could prevent the scholarship from being disbursed and might even lead to its cancellation. For more detailed information on the subsequent steps, please visit our Scholarship Help Guide Page.
Accept Your Scholarship
Some scholarships will be offered and must be accepted in Scholarship Central and Hokie SPA before they are reflected on your bill. Scholarships that are not accepted within 30 days of being offered will be cancelled.
Agree to the Terms & Conditions for USFA Administered Scholarships
Visit Hokie SPA, review, and accept the scholarship's terms following the steps below:
- Log onto Hokie SPA Financial Aid Self Service
- Select Award Offer and the correct aid year.
- For each of your USFA administered scholarships, select Accept from the drop-down menu to the right. (You may also accept or decline any loans or Federal Work Study you were offered at this time.)
- Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
- A pop-up will appear. Read all of the Terms & Conditions for USFA-Administered Scholarships carefully.
- If you acknowledge that you understand the Terms & Conditions, check the box and click the Submit button. Once submitted, you will no longer see the Terms & Conditions requested as an outstanding requirement.
Thank You Letter
Not all scholarships require a thank you letter but if yours does, you will receive an email. Follow the link in the email to electronically complete the thank you letter in Scholarship Central. Personalize your thank you letter by sharing details about yourself — hometown, major, interests, and career goals. Once you have completed your thank you letter, please allow 1-2 weeks for processing. Once your thank you letter is approved, your scholarship will be applied to your student bill.
Consider Sharing More Information with Our Scholarship Donors
Using the FERPA Release found on your General Scholarship Application, you can decide what information you would like to share. You can change your choices or remove permission for us to share at any time. Your answers on the FERPA Release will not impact whether or not you are selected to receive a scholarship.
Virginia Tech's Commitment:
Virginia Tech stands by its commitment to provide affordable educational opportunities for students in accordance with its land-grant mission. Each student is admitted to Virginia Tech with a unique combination of academic achievements and financial need, as demonstrated by the FAFSA. As students are admitted, this unique combination is used to provide students and families with a set grant and scholarship amount that the university will meet for four years. As long as students otherwise meet their scholarship eligibility requirements, Virginia Tech will meet its commitment through a combination of federal and/or state grants as well as institutional scholarships, including college and departmental scholarships. Making this commitment allows students and families to better anticipate costs from year to year, assuring that they are able to remain enrolled and graduate without unexpected shortfalls in aid. Although the type and amount a student receives may vary over the years, the combined total of grants and scholarships will remain unchanged provided students maintain eligibility.
Aid Adjustments
It is important to note that your financial aid package is subject to changes. When you receive additional aid, your financial aid package will be adjusted in accordance with federal, state, and institutional regulations. Some common scenarios that might require aid changes are:
- Receiving additional aid that exceeds your cost of attendance. Note that financial aid cannot exceed a student's cost of attendance.
- Receiving additional grants, scholarships, resources, or other financial assistance. In such instances, federal and state regulations require us to make certain adjustments. For more information on this, please visit the "Your Financial Aid Package" webpage for additional information on Cost of Attendance (COA), Student Aid Index (SAI), and Financial Need.
- Receiving another USFA, college, or departmental scholarship after receiving your initial financial aid offer. In this case, Virginia Tech will count this additional scholarship towards the total grant and scholarship amount. As a result, your initial scholarship may be reallocated. Your combined total of grant and scholarship aid will remain the same. Even if a grant or scholarship cannot be renewed, we will continue to meet the total amount of grants and scholarships committed when you entered Virginia Tech in future years.