Cost of Attendance Appeal

Prior to submitting an appeal, students should review the COA figures available in the financial aid award notification in Hokie SPA to determine if an appeal is necessary.
2023-2024 Academic Year
- Cost of Attendance appeal opens June 15, 2023
2024-2025 Academic Year
- Cost of Attendance appeal opens June 20, 2024.
There are no deadlines but we are limited at the end of the semester by the time it takes to process appeals.
Please allow two weeks for processing (up to four weeks during peak processing periods of June through August). It is important to remember that approval of an appeal does not guarantee receipt of additional aid. Also, because certain additional aid resources are limited, we recommend filing as soon as possible.
Submission Reasons:
- Housing status change. You are identified as living with parents or on-campus and are now living off-campus.
- The student needs to purchase a computer . Freshmen may not appeal for computer purchase because we include the cost of a computer in the first-year estmated Cost of Attendance.
- Books, course materials, supplies and equipment expenses exceed the current COA allocation.
- The student has dependent child care expenses.
- The student has disability related expenses not covered by a state or other agency.
- The student has a cost associated with obtaining a license, certification, or first professional credential.
- Housing and food expenses exceed the current COA allocation.
- Any component of the COA that exceeds the listed amount.
Please note - the following reasons are not considered for an appeal:
- Credit card debt
- Car purchase
- In-state travel expenses
- Spring break trip expenses
The Cost of Attendance includes: tuition and fees; books, course materials, supplies, and equipment; housing; food; transportation; personal expenses; and direct loan fees. Visit our undergraduate and graduate Cost of Attendance pages for COA figures and information.